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The Real Cost of Neglecting Your Apartment Website Design

Your apartment website might just be the Grim Reaper of your leasing success.

Yep, we said it.

Picture this: a prospect eagerly searching for their next home lands on your website. But instead of being greeted by a sleek, user-friendly interface, they’re met with a digital relic straight out of the ’90s. Cue the horror movie soundtrack.

Here’s the harsh reality: if your website isn’t up to par in terms of both SEO and user experience, you might as well be locking the front door to your property’s potential.

Let’s break down the consequences of neglecting your website’s makeover:

Say goodbye to 15-30% of your visitors

In today’s fast-paced digital world, attention spans are shorter than ever. If your website takes more than a second thought to navigate, be prepared to lose valuable prospects. 

88% of prospects don’t give second chances

First impressions matter, especially in the competitive world of multifamily marketing. If your website looks outdated or unprofessional, your bounce rates will be flourishing. 

Google’s the ultimate gatekeeper

If your site isn’t user-friendly, it won’t make it to page 1. Gone are the days of keyword stuffing and black hat SEO tactics. Google’s algorithms prioritize user experience, meaning your website needs to be optimized for both actual humans as well as search engines.

Your ad budget is going to skyrocket

Get ready to cough up 25-400% more in ad spend because Google’s quality score doesn’t take kindly to subpar user experiences. Paying for ads is like pouring gasoline on a fire—if your website isn’t optimized to convert, you’ll burn through your budget faster than you can say “ROI.”

Your competitors are just a click away

If your site isn’t up to snuff, renters won’t hesitate to swipe left. In today’s hyperconnected world, renters have endless options at their fingertips. If your website doesn’t stand out from the crowd, you’ll lose prospective residents to the competition.

So, what’s the moral of the story? Design isn’t just about making things look pretty. It’s about rolling out the virtual red carpet for your prospects, making every click an invitation to explore, and ultimately, sign that lease.

So, how can Resi help?

At Resi, we deeply understand the critical role that your apartment website plays in attracting and converting prospects into residents. It is the essence of what we do. That’s why we’re here to help you navigate online marketing and ensure your website stands out from the competition.

Sleek, User-Friendly Design

Our team of expert designers specializes in creating sleek, modern websites that are not only visually appealing but also intuitive to navigate. We’ll work with you to understand your brand identity and target audience, crafting a website that resonates with potential renters from the moment they land on your page.

SEO Optimization

Climbing to the top of Google’s search results is no easy feat, but with Resi by your side, you’ll have a fighting chance. Our team of SEO experts will optimize your website to ensure it ranks highly for relevant keywords, driving organic traffic and boosting your online visibility. From keyword research to on-page optimization, we’ll implement strategies that position your website for success in the competitive world of apartment marketing. Ask us for more details on our SEO packages.

Conversion-Driven Strategies

Attracting visitors to your website is only half the battle; the real challenge lies in converting them into leads – and leases. With Resi’s conversion-driven strategies, we’ll turn your website into a lead-generating machine. From compelling calls-to-action and strategically placed contact forms, we’ll optimize every element of your website to maximize conversions and drive results.

Personalized Solutions

We understand that every property is unique, which is why we offer personalized solutions tailored to your specific needs and goals. We’ll work closely with you to develop a custom website that showcases your property’s special features and amenities.

Continuous Support

Our relationship with our clients doesn’t end once the website goes live. We’re committed to providing ongoing support and assistance to ensure your website continues to perform at its best. Whether you need help updating content, implementing new features, or troubleshooting technical issues, our team is here to support you every step of the way.

With Resi’s expertise and dedication to excellence, you can rest assured that your apartment website is in good hands. Let’s chat about giving your online presence the glow-up it deserves.

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