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The 7 Types of Rest – A Lesson For Your Team and Tenants

As a property manager, it’s important to make sure your team and tenants are getting proper rest. With so much to do and so little time, it’s easy to let things slide. But if your team is not taking care of themselves, they won’t be able to take care of business.

How does the energy feel in your community? Is your team are constantly running on fumes? How does that affect your tenants? Do you struggle to find time to relax and rejuvenate? If so, you’re not alone. Most people are so busy nowadays that they don’t take the time to rest properly. This can lead to a lot of stress and fatigue.

“He who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead; his eyes are closed.”  

Albert Einstein

What type of rest do you need today? Maybe it’s sleep or meditation, maybe it’s alone time with no screen in sight or even taking 10 minutes out for coffee with someone special at their favorite cafe. In this blog post, we will discuss the 7 types of rest that can help your team and your community feel more refreshed and energized!

1. Physical rest

Physical rest is one of the most important types, and it’s often underrated. When you’re physically tired, your body and mind can’t function at their best. This can lead to decreased productivity, lower morale, and even health problems.

That’s why it’s so important to make sure you’re getting enough physical rest. You might need more or less than the average person, but there are a few basic things all of us need in order to recharge our batteries.

If your body starts to feel fatigued, your eyes heavy, and you find yourself yawning, you may be physically exhausted.  There are two types of physical rest – passive and active.  Passive rest includes what we often think of as rest – sleeping, and napping.  While active rest includes restorative activities like yoga, stretching, deep breathing, and massage.  Try to squeeze in some of these activities throughout your day or week.  You’ll know when you start to recharge as you regain energy.

2. Mental rest 

If your brain feels fried it’s time for some mental rest!  You may also notice yourself mentally checking out or your thoughts turning negative. In order to be productive and efficient, it’s important to take the time to rest and recharge your mental batteries. This means giving yourself time to relax and de-stress, without any obligations or distractions. Unfortunately, most people don’t do this very well. They try to power through their stress and fatigue, which only leads to more problems in the long run.

Allow yourself to take a mental pause away from responsibilities, take short breaks throughout the day to do something you find relaxing and recharging. This can include things like taking a walk in nature, reading for pleasure, spending time with friends and family, or simply taking some time for yourself. When you’re rested mentally, you’ll find that you’re able to think more clearly and be more productive. our emotions and reduce the negative effects they have on our bodies.

3. Sensory rest

Sensory rest is an important part of keeping your team and tenants healthy and stress-free. When our minds are constantly bombarded with stimuli, it can be hard to find time to truly relax. Sensory rest is all about giving your mind a break from stimulation. This could mean disconnecting from technology, spending time in nature, listening to calming music, or doing anything else that helps you to relax and focus on the present moment.

If you’re finding it difficult to wind down at the end of the day, try incorporating some sensory rest into your routine. You may be surprised at how much difference it makes in your stress levels and overall sense of well-being.

By incorporating some sensory rest into your routine, you can help everyone to wind down and relax at the end of the day. If you’re feeling more sensitive to things like online content, TV, lights, sounds, or smells, chances are every one else is too. Do your team and tenants a favor and schedule some office hours outside for tenants to chat with the team, or schedule a brief walk for your building (no phones allowed).

4. Creative rest

Creative rest is essential for anyone who is trying to come up with solutions – this can include things like problem solving or planning a birthday party for a loved one.  Give yourself time to recharge before starting the next project.  It can be hard to create and when you’re sitting behind a screen all day or too stuck in a monotonous routine – enjoy the beauty around you – nature, the arts – get inspired!

“Creative rest is the process of beauty re-fueling your soul.”

We often think of rest as doing nothing, but that doesn’t have to be the case. Creative rest is all about giving your mind a break from the mundane and everyday by doing something creative. This could be anything from painting and drawing to cooking and baking, from writing and journaling to playing an instrument or learning a new language.

Creative activities can help to relax and rejuvenate us in ways that other activities don’t. They give us a chance to tap into our inner well of creativity and imagination, which can be incredibly refreshing and satisfying.

If you just have a few minutes for creative rest, some ideas to consider:

  • Listen to music (dance if you feel like it)
  • Go on a walk and observe nature
  • Do something that brings you joy

For those needing a larger dose of creative rest:

  • Take a day off and do nothing. Take the time to slow down.
  • Take a creative class, such as pottery, writing, or interpretive dance.
  • Go on an adventure you wouldn’t normally take the time for.

It’s very easy to find excuses not to take this type of rest, but the importance of having awe and wonder if our livest should not be underestimated. So next time you’re feeling stressed or burnt out, consider taking some time for creative rest. It may just be what you need to recharge your batteries and feel inspired again.

5. Emotional rest

We all have emotions, and they can take a toll on our bodies if we’re not careful. When we’re stressed, anxious, or angry, our bodies release hormones that can lead to physical problems. That’s why it’s so important to find ways to manage our emotions and take some time for emotional rest.

This can include things like journaling, spending time with supportive people, practicing meditation or mindfulness, and getting regular exercise. These activities can help us to better deal with our emotions and reduce the negative impact they have on our bodies. If you’re feeling emotionally overwhelmed, try incorporating some emotional rest into your day. You may be surprised at how much better you feel.

If you lived through the recent pandemic, you probably have an idea what it feels like to be emotionally exhausted. Dalton Smith defines emotional rest as the freedom to authentically express feelings and eliminate people-pleasing behaviors. So with this type of rest it’s important to release or share your feelings with a willing listener. Give yourself space to decompress from overwhelming emotions and be courageous and truthful while sharing them with others.

6. Social rest

Those who need emotional rest, often also need social rest.  Needing this type of rest happens when we fail to differentiate the difference between the relationships that revive us and those that exhaust us (sometimes referred to as an “energy vampire”).  To get more social rest, surround yourself with more positive and supportive people – even if that’s virtual – or if needed, take a break from social situations.

In this busy world, it’s easy to forget the importance of socializing and catching up with loved ones. We are so focused on work and other obligations that we often don’t make time for the things that truly matter. However, research has shown that socializing is essential for our mental and emotional health.

One study found that socializing can help reduce stress levels, improve moods, and increase overall life satisfaction. Another study showed that spending time with friends and family can help boost our immune system. So if you’re feeling run down or stressed out, take some time to catch up with your friends and loved ones. You’ll be glad you did!

For those living in an apartment community, there’s no excuse not to socialize! Apartment communities are the perfect place to meet new people and make friends. So take advantage of your community’s amenities and events, and get to know your neighbors. You might just be surprised at how much you have in common!

7. Spiritual rest

Feeling ungrounded or alone? You may be feeling spiritual unrest. It’s the ability to connect beyond the physical and the mental and feel a deep sense of belonging, love, acceptance, and purpose, that can fulfill this need.

Spiritual rest is important for our overall well-being. It helps us to find peace and calm in our busy lives. It’s a way to connect with something larger than ourselves and recharge our batteries. So make sure to take some time each day to find your own personal form of spiritual rest.

There are many ways to find spiritual rest. For some people, it may mean attending religious services or participating in prayer or meditation. Others may find spiritual rest through nature walks, yoga, or even listening to calming music. Notice what it is that makes you feel more connected, and do more of it. Whatever works for you, make sure to take some time each day to disconnect from the outside world and connect with your spirituality.

I hope this article helped you understand the different types of rest and how important they are to our overall wellbeing. Try to incorporate some of these into your daily routine and see how you feel! Until next time, stay rested my friends.

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